Community Classes

Classes are suitable for beginners and all levels of fitness. They are easy to follow using simple exercises but put together in a fun way to an amazing playlist. You can go at your own pace and build up your strength and fitness each class. Join our Facebook group to keep uptodate with class times and info – Moky Community

Joining us and what you need to do

Before attending you need to complete a form online by clicking here – PARQ – Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire. Please note only complete the form once. Once you have completed your form just come along to class. Classes are currently £7 pay as you go.


When will classes run?

Classes run weekly in term time and unless stated. It doesn’t matter if you can’t make every week, just attend when you can.

What type of workout is it?

Moky originally started as a dance workout but has evolved so much from then. I still use the great music but incorporate much more strength and science backed exercises. We realised punching is a great way to stress relieve as well as work many muscle groups and it feels even better to great music. Expect balance exercises, combat moves, dumbbells or light weight exercises and mat work or standing core (you can choose). We always have low impact options for any higher impact moves and we can work with you to offset alternatives if you have any restrictions on exercises you can’t do, just let me know when you attend.

What do I need to bring?

Essential item is a bottle of water, you will need it. Dumbbells or weighted gloves (small weights, 1kg to 2kg each neoprene dumbbells are best), an exercise mat for the core section (we offer standing options if you prefer not to do mat work). You may also want to bring a towel. But don’t worry if you don’t have any of those yet, just bring yourself, and a couple of bottles of water for makeshift dumbbells for the first class.

What should I wear?

Wear comfortable workout clothes suitable for sweating in and trainers.

Do I have to book each week and how much is it?

We just need you to complete the online PARQ before you attend so we can get relevant health details and get you on our system and to save time at class. There is no need to book, just come along.

What happens when I arrive?

Please arrive 10 minutes early for a prompt start. When you arrive enter via the car park at the back of the Solway Hall (old Civic Hall), sign in at the desk and pay £7 cash if possible. A card machine may be available but cash is quicker and easier. If coming to Seascale, The Sports Hall is easy to find and has parking.

Can children attend?

As a general age guide we allow children over 7 years. Children must be supervised at all times. Children price (Under 16’s) is currently FREE!

Please email or whatsapp me on 07724 240179 with any queries or find us on facebook – Moky at Shameem.Fit